Welcome to Hibernate 2022!

Bookstores are an easy and cozy space to spend time in when the sky is dark and the temperatures are cold. I have loved children’s books my whole life. Finding a quaint bookstore, with warm lights, soft chairs, and a delightful children’s section is a slice of heaven for me. I can get lost in the shelves of books for hours and in the quiet corners of a bookstore, for a moment, I can hibernate. 

As Northern Michiganders moving through February, we invite you to find moments to hibernate. To get cozy, and allow yourself to rest your mind, body and spirit. Each year at Single MOMM we challenge each other to hibernate well. To nourish our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. To allow the slower pace of winter to refresh us. As busy moms we get that books get interrupted, cuddling under a cozy blanket may mean being joined by wiggling children who let in the cold air, and that hours of hibernating may not be a reality. But, perhaps a moment of hibernating can be squeezed into your day. 

Over the next three weeks we will send out a Sunday evening hibernate link. You will find a warm note of encouragement, a soothing recipe to try, and a cozy activity to consider.

Here is to a cozy spirit, the warmth of a hot drink in our hands, and hibernating!


Hibernating started a bit early this year in my family. My son had major surgery at the beginning of January and doing our normal activities outside came to a sudden halt. When he was well enough, I started taking drives with him to reduce the blue feelings and to get us out of the house. On one of our adventures, we landed at a cozy bookstore in Suttons Bay, MI – Bay Books. The small bookstore was filled with familiar books I love and delightful books that gave off cozy vibes.

This book was one of my favorite finds!

Join our staff this week and find a cozy bookstore to wander through, sit in for a bit, and find a book that warms your soul.

This Mexican cinnamon tea is the perfect hot cup of liquid to warm-up our bodies and lift our moods. Cinnamon has also been known to help with circulation and bring a feeling of warmth.


With Love,

The Single MOMM Team & Our Favorite Children’s Books

Amanda (But No Elephants)
Brittany (Llama Llama Red Pajama)
Dani (You Are Special)
(The Velveteen Rabbit)
Kammie (Christina Katerina & The Box)
Kathleen (A Pocket for Corduroy)
(Wacky Wednesday)
Lindsay (Big Bird Brings Spring to Sesame Street)
Patty (The Night Kitchen)
Sarah (Roxaboxen)