
This past month I have had to say the word, good-bye more times than I would like. Good-bye to things that once were, good-bye as my college age daughter goes back to school, and good-bye to circumstances that were unhealthy. All these good-byes have left me a bit numb and sore in the heart. 

As I was checking out at the grocery store yesterday, a woman said, “happy almost spring!”. She is right, spring is right around the corner and though spring in Northern Michigan does not bring to mind flowers and extreme sunshine, the word spring brings with it the feelings of new life. It means the first trilliums will pop forth from the ground, the birds and their songs will return, and Easter is coming soon. 

The season of Easter holds both good-byes and hellos. In the Christian faith, we are saying good-bye to the physical body of Christ and hello to new life everlasting. Some Christians observe Lent by sacrificing something they enjoy for the forty days leading up to Easter. It is a temporary good-bye to something they enjoy. During the forty days as they focus on the life of Christ there is a deep hello to the gift of his sacrifice, the peace given in the midst of storms, and the joy that transcends all circumstances.  

With all of my recent good-byes I am challenging myself to say hello to three new things by the end of March. One hello has been a new flavor of tea. I am someone who likes what I like and tend not to deviate from my normal foods. This week I decided to pick-up a new tea, to embrace a new flavor, and allow myself to like it or dislike it. The purpose of the hellos is to try something new, not necessarily find a new favorite thing. Practicing saying hello has helped me focus my attention on the fact that I am empowered to choose what I bring into my life each day. 

What could you say hello to this week?

With love, Jennifer

Spring vegetables are coming soon, and nothing says hello health like a good veggie plate. Check out these great veggie dip recipes.


  • ½ cup mayonnaise

  • ½ cup plain yogurt or sour cream

  • 1 tablespoon curry powder

  • ½ teaspoon turmeric, see notes

  • Optional: ½ teaspoon sriracha, if you like it spicy

  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


  1. Mix the ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl. 

  2. Let the dip rest for a half-hour in your fridge before serving it.

  3. Eat with crackers, veggies, or just with a spoon!


  • 1 large avocado

  • ¼ cup mayonnaise, sugar-free, if needed

  • 1 tablespoon parsley

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon fresh dill

  • 1 sprig green onion, green part only

  • A generous pinch of salt and pepper

  • ¾ - 1 cup water, start with ¾ cup


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Add more water if you would like a thinner dressing.

  2. Preferably, set the dressing aside to let the flavors meld for 15 minutes.